My seventeenth Brushstrokes With Impact (tm) "Paint-a-Thon" is this Friday, April 14th! It's called "Library Love Part Deux," and- you guessed it- I'll be at Curtis Memorial Library! My easel will be set up right in the front lobby, and I will be painting from 9:30am-5:30pm. At the end of the day, the completed 8" x 8" acrylic painting will be raffled off, and this month's host and cause are one and the same: 50% of the proceeds from raffle ticket sales will be donated to Curtis Memorial Library. Raffle tickets can be purchased in person for $5 each or 3 for $10. I will also have a small “pop-up” show of my art on display, and 10% of all my art sales (excluding magnets, but including totes) will be donated to Curtis Memorial Library. Please contact me via email (maria@brushstrokesbymaria .com) for raffle information.
All the talk about funding being cut for libraries makes me upset, so I'd like to help in my own little way. Libraries are important, and I'm fortunate to live in a town where the library is AWESOME. The timing works out well, too: it's National Library Week! Please stop independent art and Curtis Memorial Library all at once!