Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I went to Pecha Kucha night at Frontier Gallery in Brunswick yesterday and it was a lot of fun. The event was completely sold out (as usual) and I was fortunate to have gotten in. I managed to snag the last reservation that morning, and the ladies I attended with were able to get in on standby...whew! The presenters all had really interesting and diverse work to show, and the stories were equally fascinating (check out www.pechakuchamaine.org to get an idea). I left feeling very inspired, and I know the women I was with felt the same way.

Even though Pecha Kucha has been very successful, no one seems to know how to properly pronounce "Pecha Kucha". According to the website, the correct way is to say "peh-chak-cha", but most people just pronounce it phonetically...and some even say "poochie-coochie", as the MC did last night (with a big smile on his face).

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