I am happy to report that I was able to finish my "Curtis Creative Spaces" painting by the end of last week as I had hoped! I didn't want to go into too much detail regarding this project because I didn't want to spoil the surprise...but now, the cat is officially out of the bag! Please check out Mike Gorzka's wonderful blog post outlining the entire process...he did a great job! http://curtiscreativespaces.com/the-story-behind-the-new-logo-for-curtis-creative-spaces/9/

woo hoo!
I am thrilled and honored to have been chosen to re-design the "Curtis Creative Spaces" logo, and I am hopeful that everyone at the library is happy with the finished product. I had fun working on this little assignment, especially since "Curtis Creative Spaces" is such a wonderful way for local artists to easily show their work to a large audience. If you're reading this and you are an artist living in Brunswick, I encourage you to consider submitting your art to "Curtis Creative Spaces". It's beautifully done, Mike is easy, professional, and pleasant to work with, and it's FREE! What have you got to lose? Click the link to see for yourself.
art + the workplace = a boost of positive energy!
Speaking of libraries, my paintings from the "Joy of Art" show at Topsham Public Library ended up in last month's issue of The Cryer and I didn't know it until just the other day! What a nice surprise! Don't you just love libraries? I know I do!
The Cryer, page 10, February 2015 issue!
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