Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I hung some artwork at Jai Yoga in Brunswick today and I am feeling really up and optimistic about this opportunity! I have loved this yoga studio for a long time and I am honored that Jen has been kind enough to offer some wall space to me. I've got paintings, mixed media pieces, and even an oil pastel on display. I really hope my work is well-received by students and teachers alike!

Anyway, if you are looking for a yoga studio in the Midcoast Maine area, then please check out Jai Yoga. They have kind, knowledgeable instructors, a beautiful space, a great view, and a wide variety of classes with a drop-in schedule that's really convenient. Here's a link to their website: www.jaiyogahome.com.

Friday, December 7, 2012

doors are opening

November was my last First Friday Art Walk at the Closet Factory showroom in Portland. I was surprised when the space closed, and I felt a sense of loss and confusion. "Where am I going to show my work now?" was my first thought. On the heels of that thought, however, a little voice inside me said, "Well, maybe this is happening to free you up for something else...other places where you can show your work and have it exposed to new groups of people." Obviously, this was a much nicer thought than the first one, so I tried to keep it in my mind (which was not as easy as it sounds). I was already planning on doing Arts Downtown and All Around in Brunswick, so at least I had something lined up in December, and the Joy of Art show in Topsham would be running from January through February...perhaps something would make itself known after that.

Well, sometimes when it rains, it pours: I am happy to say that I already have a bunch of shows scheduled for 2013! In January, I have a solo show at the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick (I'm still working on figuring out a date for the opening reception); I'm also going to be part of a group show at the Brunswick Town Council office (that's January through February). I have a solo show at Cafe Creme in Bath from May through July, and a solo show at She Doesn't Like Guthrie's in Lewiston in August. If that's not enough, I met with Jen from Jai Yoga in Brunswick, and she wants me to bring some work by next week so she can hang it in the studio! I am thrilled and excited...and I need to get busy!