My 25th Brushstrokes With Impact (tm) "Paint-a-Thon" was on Saturday, December 9th at Selby Shoes Etc in South Portland (quick aside: now that I've passed the two-year mark, should I keep counting month by month events? I'm not sure...). This was my third "Paint-a-Thon" at Selby Shoes Etc, and during my two previous visits, we had snow. I bet you can guess what happened this time! The snow didn't dampen our spirits, though: the warm and friendly staff at Selby Shoes Etc made me feel welcome and supported, as always! With everyone's help, we were able to raise $100 for the Portland Press Herald Toy Fund, and "O Peaceful Tree" went to its new (and very good!) home in Massachusetts...thank you, Daniel and Rebecca Alperin!
setting up! photo credit: Dennie Campbell
starting up!
"O Peaceful Tree": finished!
The following weekend, I participated in the Holiday POP-UP SALE, a fun little group show in Bowdoinham, and I had a blast. This was my first time visiting the Merrymeeting Arts Center and I loved it there! Interesting fact: at this show, someone bought a "Lucky Cat, Readfield Emporium" magnet with the intention of sending it to Shanghai. Cool, right? In case you couldn't make it, here are some photos:
live music by Sugar Hill (with special guest star, Rebecca Boothby Conley)!
my display (I love those chili lights)!
feeling festive!
Since there are only a few hours left before the new year begins, like most other human beings, I am feeling reflective. A lot of stuff happened this year that I couldn't have imagined: the sidewalk piano! The Little Free Library! The Maine Public video! The Curtis Memorial Library video! My head is spinning thinking about it. I want to take a moment to give my sincere thanks to everyone and anyone who supported my efforts and my artwork in any way at all this year: if you hosted me for a "Paint-a-Thon"; if you bought a raffle ticket, or a magnet, or a print, or a tote bag, or a painting; if you came to any of my shows or events or workshops; if you're reading this blog; if you sent me good vibes and positive wishes...whatever your contribution might have been, I am grateful for it, and I'm grateful for you. I feel fortunate to have a wonderful support system of family and know who you are, and you are the best. What will 2018 have in store? Who knows? Perhaps collaboration will be a any rate, I am hopeful and open to possibilities! If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear from you. Let's make some awesome stuff happen.