Tuesday, October 16, 2018

it's never too late to catch up

It's been just over two months since my last blog post here - yikes- but rather than beat myself up about it, I'm just going to pick things up where I last left off...or maybe, I'll go in reverse...but I guess it doesn't really matter, as long as I'm writing!

I've had two Brushstrokes with Impact (tm) "Paint-a-Thon"s since my most recent post here, and I have one more coming right up! On Saturday, October 20th, I'll be just outside of Indrani's of Brunswick (at the Tontine Mall), painting from roughly 10am-6pm, and this month's cause will be Midcoast Humane (formerly known as Coastal Humane Society). Please come see me! If you can't be there in person, fear not: long-distance support is always welcome and much appreciated! Here's a link to the Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/249571769051303/

On Friday, September 14th, I was also set up outside of Indrani's (I just love that space- can you tell?), painting all day and raising money for a cause I really enjoy supporting: the Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program's "Backpack Program". It was a beautiful day, filled with sunshine and sweet messages of encouragement from friends and family. I also met some very kind people while I was painting, including Julie Henze, the woman who ended up winning "Cantaloupe"! Thanks to everyone's support, we were able to raise $100 for MCHPP. Here are some photos from that day:

the "pop-up" show

the beginning...

"Cantaloupe" : finished! 

the winning ticket!

That weekend was a busy (and fun) time for me: not only did I have my Brushstrokes with Impact (tm) "Paint-a-Thon" event on Friday, but on Saturday, September 15th, I participated in Curtis Memorial Library's "How-To Festival and Block Party"! Here's a link to my post on the Curtis Creative Spaces blog in case you're interested in reading all about the day and the work that was created at my table (http://curtiscreativespaces.com/how-do-you-do/)...and here's a link to a photo album that the library put together!

shenanigans at the How-To Festival and Block Party! 

In August, my Brushstrokes With Impact (tm) "Paint-a-Thon" (called "Trust The Process") took place at Monarch Massage and Wellness; that month's cause was the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust.
I am still knocked out by the support I received for this event from Maura, Seth, and the staff/patrons of Crystal Spring Farm: my event was listed in their e-newsletter, and some of my prints were on display during that week's farm share pickup! Thanks to their kindness, paired with the support of everyone who turned out in person and via phone/text, $151.50 was raised for BTLT! Hooray!

my prints at the farm! 

the beginning...

"Dill Explosion" : finished!

the winning ticket!