Friday, May 31, 2013


Lots of exciting things have been happening these days! I don't want to go into detail just yet, because I want things to be a little more concrete first, but rest assured, I will post some cool news soon.

One thing I do need to post right now is an apology to anyone who may have made a special trip over to Cafe Creme in Bath to see my solo show...because it's been bumped! There was a scheduling issue, but hopefully things are resolved now. I'm slated to hang my work on Sunday, June 9th. The show will still be up through the end of July, so even though I missed out on any Memorial Day traffic, I'll get in on the Fourth of July/Bath Heritage Days action. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit bummed out about the snafu, but I'm trusting in the Universe and its timeline for me. So, if you're looking to treat yourself to a lovely coffee drink after next weekend, consider making a trip over to Cafe Creme! You'll be glad you did...and so will I.

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