Saturday, June 30, 2018

summer summarization

YIKES! I almost let all of June go by without a blog post here! The last several weeks have been busy...let me catch up!

First of all, I'm thrilled and grateful to have my work on display at the brand-new location of Monarch Massage and Wellness (41 Main Street, Topsham)! The show went up on Friday, June 1st, and on Sunday, June 3rd, I had my 31st Brushstrokes With Impact (tm) "Paint-a-Thon" (entitled "Transformation Time!") during the open house celebration! Here are some photos of the show (and from that day, too):


the foyer

the waiting area

the waiting area

the waiting area

the massage room!

the massage room!

the beginning...

an action shot!

"Butterfly" : finished!

The winning ticket! 

Congratulations to Quinn Griffin, the winner of "Butterfly"! Quinn is a budding artist herself, and I'm happy that she and her family will give my work a very good home. Thanks to everyone's support, together we were able to raise $223.50 for the MidCoast Hunger Prevention Program's "Backpack Program"! Since my work will be up through the month of July, my next Brushstrokes With Impact (tm) "Paint-a-Thon" will also be held at Monarch Massage and Wellness. Mark your calendars for "Shine Your Light!" on Saturday, July 7th: this month's cause will be the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. I'm grateful to have my work on display in such a beautiful and inviting space, and I'm happy to be able to support yet another worthy cause. I hope you will join me! Long-distance support is always welcome, too...

In other news, the piano I painted last year is out of storage and back on the sidewalk in front of Cool As A Moose! It's a tiny bit dinged up, but not bad, especially considering I thought it would only last one season. My piano has been joined by a hopscotch board, too...check it out (and stop by to play if you're visiting)!

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