Wednesday, January 23, 2013

another busy week!

Yes, it's been another busy week! Here's a recap:

I got an email last week from a woman named Pat who saw my work at Arts Downtown and All Around back in December. We chatted during the show and she took one of my cards. Well, the email I got from her said that my art has "stayed" with her, and she would like to buy a piece as a birthday present to herself! What a nice surprise. We met up with each other the next day, and she told me she saw my work at Jai Yoga during the "7 Days for $7" event at the beginning of January as well, which reminded her to contact me. We had a really nice conversation, and I have a feeling we will probably run into each other at some point...maybe even at a Brunswick Art Collaborative meeting!

On Friday, Terry and I finally made it out to an opening at the Saccarappa Art Collaborative, a co-op style gallery in Westbrook owned by our friend, artist Andy Curran. Our dear friend Jeremy Greene is one of the other artists whose work is on display there, and it was great to see the space, the work, and the crowds. We had been meaning to attend one of their openings for a long time, but it seemed like every time the Saccarappa Art Collaborative had an opening, I was involved in one, we jumped at the chance to finally go. The next morning, I logged onto Facebook, and to my surprise, there was a picture of my friend Kat Logan's band, Meteora, performing the night before at the Curtis Memorial the Morrell Meeting Room right in front of my artwork! I guess you can't be in two places at once, but at least my work was there for the Meteora performance. As Kat said: "It was so nice to be surrounded by your beautiful inspiring and full of good energy!!!!!"

Last night was a Brunswick Town Council meeting, and Hati Modr and I were invited to introduce ourselves and speak for a bit at the beginning of the evening. I was nervous, but Hati and I went up to the podium together, which felt good- safety in numbers! I think things went well last night, but it's hard to tell without having seen anything. I hope they will rebroadcast it sometime. I will have to poke around on the town website. I hadn't prepared a statement or anything like that, but I saw Hati taking notes as we were waiting to be introduced, so I jumped on the idea as well. We both kept our statements brief, upbeat, and casual, and I didn't need to refer to my notes at all. I think just the act of writing some thoughts down helped me to keep things straight. Blake was there getting video footage as well, so if I can't catch a rebroadcast somewhere, at least I'll be able to see what he filmed.

Speaking of filming, I stopped by Blake's house today to get a lesson on how to use one of his videocameras. He loaned me one of his simpler cameras so I can try my hand at shooting my own footage. I am a little intimidated, but the camera seems like it's going to be pretty easy to use, so I'm hopeful at the same time. I'm planning on stopping by the library to get some more footage of my show there, and maybe I'll even take it into my studio to get some shots of what I'm working on these days. Who knows? It might be fun!  

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