Wednesday, June 26, 2013

poster child

Woo-hoo! The Brunswick Second Friday Art Walk posters for July are here, and my painting, "Sole Mate", is the featured artwork for the month! I am very happy with how the posters came out, and I am getting quite a kick out of seeing them all over town. I happened to be around on Friday when the posters were ready for distribution, so I was able to hit most of the spots on my route that same day (I was able to get to the one remaining spot, Frosty's Donuts, on Saturday morning). We had out-of-town company arriving on Friday evening, and it was fun to walk around town with them during the weekend, spotting the posters hanging in different shops. I am impressed with how on top of things Five Rivers Arts Alliance has been this year about promoting Second Friday Art Walk: just a few days after one art walk ends, the posters for the next one are ready to go. Even the shop owners on my poster route have taken notice. 

Speaking of shop owners on my poster route, I was talking with Jill from The Mix (on Maine Street), and she mentioned how many people have been stopping into her store while the art walk is going on! She said it's been an interesting cross-section of people (old, young, families, individuals) and all of them have been happy and excited about the art walk. The live music has been really well-received, shops are enjoying the increase in business, and, of course, artists are getting their work out there and making connections with each other as well as the community in general. Hooray for Brunswick, and hooray for ART!!! 

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