Tuesday, September 23, 2014

i can't freakin' believe it!

When I was in college on Long Island, there was a radio advertisement for a local electronics equipment store (called Tops) that would start running right around Thanksgiving. I can still hear it in my head...picture, if you will, two male voices with over-the-top New York accents:

Voice #1: "Can you believe the holidays are almost here?"
Voice #2: "No, man, I can't freakin' believe it!"

Clearly, this ad made an impact on me if I can remember it roughly twenty years later. I've been hearing this exchange in my head lately, except it's a little different at the moment:

Voice #1: "Can you believe the 10x10 is almost here?"
Voice #2: "No, man, I can't freakin' believe it!"

That's right, cats and kittens: the 10x10 is almost here, and frankly, I can't freakin' believe it. It seems like just yesterday when I was submitting my forms and working into the wee small hours of the morning to get my paintings finished in time for the deadline! The 10x10 Brunswick is a fantastic show, and it is something I look forward to every year since I've been participating in it. In case you're not familiar with this fun and fabulous show, the 10x10 is a benefit art exhibit and sale for Arts Are Elementary. It takes place on Friday, September 26th, from 6pm-9pm, and it is such a big show, it takes place at two adjacent venues on Pleasant Street: the Morrell Meeting Room at Curtis Memorial Library and the Parish Hall at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. There will be a public preview at both venues on Thursday, September 25th, 6pm-9pm, and on Friday, September 26th, 12pm-3pm. People quite literally line up around the block to get into this show! As soon as the doors open, people file into the respective rooms, find the pieces they would like to buy, and signal to the 10x10 volunteers. When a piece is purchased, it is taken off the wall, wrapped, and sent home with its new owner...no red dots at this show! If you arrive after a piece has been purchased, you will be able to see a photograph of the work in its place. This feature was a new addition to the show last year, and I think it is a wonderful solution...that way, if you arrive late, you'll still be able to see what's been sold! I will have two paintings in the show ("Sugar Snap Peas" and "Praying Mantis, Amy's House"), and this year, my work will be in the Morrell Meeting Room at Curtis Memorial Library. For more information (and to check out the online preview!), please go to the website: www.10x10brunswick.orgHere's a pic from last year's show!  

photo credit: Mary Becker Weiss

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